Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Holiday Pot Luck

Our annual pre-holiday pot luck was held on November 28, and a great time was had by all.  Lots of wonderful food, wonderful rugs, and some great conversation!   Not one, but TWO vendors brought their lovely wares to tempt us:  Carol Shewan and Karen Kaiser.

Here's just a small sampling of what went on that day:

                                                 Original design by Tanya Stutt

                                                     One of our new girls Dorthea

                                                          Dolores out pup babysitter

                                                           Dolores' beautiful shading
                                          Work in progress, original design by Christine

                                                                   Kathryn's kitties
                                                                    Greg's abstract
                                                                    and more leaves
                                                            gorgeous piece Kathy

original design by Tanya Stuff, what fun!!!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016


November 18th -20th

Kathryn McHolm is hosting a Christmas Show and Sale featuring Beeswax candles by Susan Rouse and soaps , also Tin Work, Pottery and chocolate. Various vendors will be in attendance with many more products.
Her home is located at 4749 County Rd. 2 in the Village of Welcome.
Friday November 18th 7-9 p.m.
Saturday November 19th 10- 4 p.m.
Sunday November 20th 10-4 p.m.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


Second annual show and sale at the home of our own Judy & Grant Parnell
November 11, 12, &13 from 10-4pm.  5417 County Rod #65

Featuring traditional rug hooking, weaving, handmade soaps, woodworking, pottery, jewelry and much more!  Come join us!
905-786-2043 or

Monday, 7 November 2016


Yes we are  gearing up for a hectic time of the year and we are pausing for a few hours on Monday November 28th for our Christmas Potluck Lunch at Grace Church in Cobourg from 10-2?
Please come and bring your favourite dish to share!!!
WE WILL HAVE 2 VENDORS WITH US THAT DAY  so think about those on your Christmas list and yourself and do a little shopping!
It's going to be a great day!

If you want to contact either of the vendors via email, here's a link to each:

Karen Kaiser:  hooking.kaiser@gmail.com 
Carol Shewan:  info@willowcreekrughooking.com