Monday, 26 February 2018

Meet Winston!

Say hello to Winston!  He's the latest guide-dog-in-training to be taken on by our Claire.  He's a lovely gentle boy, only 14 weeks old, and destined for great things.  There was a line up of folks wanting to hug him at our February monthly meeting!

We had a great meeting, and there were lots of rugs to ogle:
Dolores' flower rug
Here are several winter themed rugs from Tanya:

ooh - look....there's Brenda! 😉

Bette's new door mat, via Daisy Higgins

Eileen's flowers!

Tanya's pillow - a shower present!
 In other news, we're settling into our new location for the Thursday group - here are some photos from our latest gathering:

Dolores' Yorkie

Joyce's flower rug

Bette's frog

Linda's lighthouse 
Ann's chair pad

Laurie, Sue and Joyce, at the cutting table

Look!  Rug hooking, knitting and needlepoint!

Wednesday, 21 February 2018


                           No rain here but we are prepared with a Rainy Day Watering Can!

                                                         So many artistic folks down here!

Monday, 19 February 2018


As winter trudges on just thought I would send you some sunny happy thoughts with my winter project of Happy Houses from Karla Gerard. Even though I hooked this as a night scene as opposed to a day time , I think I got the bright colours intended.  I know it's not whipped (John) so technically it is not done but I don't have an iron to steam it nor wool so it will just have to wait until I'm back up north which will be in a few days for a visit and then I'll be back to tropical colours and temps!

Enjoy my sunny thoughts!  Please send us photos of what you are working on, I miss you all!!!!!
I need photos of all the new girls and what they're doing, whether it is knitting or weaving??????

Saturday, 10 February 2018

OHCG Facebook page

Have you seen the OHCG’s Facebook page?  They’re featuring a lot of interesting articles these days.

If you’re a Facebook user, “follow” them to see their regular updates. It makes for some great reading and viewing.

If you’re not a Facebook user, here is a small sampling of the articles posted recently. Click on any of the links below to see the content. You don’t need a Facebook account.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Busy Spring

Spring can’t be far away, can it?  Judging by the Ontario weather I’m sure it seems pretty wintry. To warm you up, here’s a photo of some monkeys in our garden in Costa Rica.

Dianne posted some useful info yesterday from our January meeting and it’s worthwhile to immortalize it in the blog!  I’ll put this info in the calendar section shortly.

1.       New Cutters – We voted in favour of purchasing two new Bolivar cutters – YES!

2.       Upcoming Dates
(a)    Feb. 20 – Jillian will give a talk at the Art Gallery of Northumberland on the beautiful quilts of Dorothy Winters at 11 am. 
(b)   Feb. 26 – monthly meeting at Grace Church – hosts – Betty, Judy, Anne, Dora
(c)    March 24 – Oshawa Hook-In
(d)   April 14 – “The Gathering”, Port Hope Rec Centre (bring your hooking; volunteers needed)
(e)   April 14 – Belleville Hook-In (same day as the Gathering)
(f)     April 23 – monthly meeting at Grace Church (note change of usual date)
(g)    April 24 – Display and talk by Alice Williams of her aboriginal-themed quilts; Ruth Clarke Activity Centre, 7pm
(h)   May 4-6 – Annual Conference, Ottawa; Open House - May 6

3.       Annual Conference:
The Annual is being held in Ottawa May 4-6. We decided at Monday’s meeting to reserve one section for a display by the Northumberland Rug Hookers.  Rugs needed: Please let me know if you are able to submit a rug(s) for the display. They must be the work of an OHCG member and may not have been shown at previous Annuals. If you choose to have your rug(s) judged (your choice), there are several categories as follows: Fine Cut (up to five cut); Wide Cut (five cut and above); Multi Cut (combination of fine and wide); Primitive (simple design, no shading); Pictorial;  Oriental; Alternative Fibres/Techniques; Original; Theme (“Hooked on Waterways”; must be original). Iris and I will be putting up the display and will collect them at the April 23rd meeting (or before).