Thursday, 29 August 2019

Port Hope Fall Fair is Coming

It’s almost time for the Port Hope Fall Fair, taking place September 13-15.  We typically have several entries as well as a display. Check out the categories available for judging in the fair booklet here.   While there are several categories specific to Rug hooking*, consider one of the other categories where a hooked item might fit.  Please be sure to read the rules for submission. 

* rug hooking categories include: 
  • Fine Cut: any design; #5 cut and lower
  • Not a Rug: a traditionally hooked item that is not used as a rug or wall hanging such as a pillow, stool, Christmas ornament, purse, garment etc.
  • Original Design: must be your own design; no purchased patterns or adaptations
  • Recycled: any design using recycled materials
  • Rural Roots: any design that depicts the country roots of the Fair
  • (think country or fall scenes, agriculture)
  • Wide Cut: any design; #6 cut and higher
There is a $7 entry fee (regardless if the number of items entered), unless you were a winner last year, in which case this year’s entry fee was deducted from your winnings. 

As with previous years, if you would like your rug to be entered along with others from our group, please bring your rug to the Thursday meeting before the fair.  Dianne will supply tags for you to complete and will bring everything to the fair grounds on the Friday morning. 

Even if you don’t want to enter an item for judging, we usually have a display of rugs, so any that you’d like to include for the weekend wb appreciated. 

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Evening Meetings are Back!

Yes!  Due to popular demand, we are reinstating our evening meetings.  These are just like the regular Thursday gatherings where we hook, and natter, and support each other in rug hooking.

Meetings will be held twice monthly, starting September 10, 2019.  Join us at 1185 Elgin Street in Cobourg - in the HTM Insurance Building, across from Pineridge Nursery, west of Canadian Tire.  We’ll be there from 6:30-8:30.

This will be of interest to folks who have always wanted to join us, but who work during the day!  For NRH members who are new to rug hooking, we can loan you hoops and hooks, until you can purchase your own.

For this first meeting please RSVP to, if you haven’t already.

Hope to see you there!