Tuesday, 14 April 2020

A Challenge

These challenging times call for a rug hooking challenge, right?  If you saw the latest issue of Rug Hooking Magazine, you saw the article on hooking “speech bubbles” - these are the kinda thing you see in cartoons.  
From Rug Hooking Magazine, Mar/Apr/May 2020
The article goes on to describe a class last year at Green Mountain Rug School in Vermont.  It used a specific font with thick and thin lines which use different cuts of wool.  The author suggests hooking the letters and filling in as you go.  Another trick, if you’re not using different cuts, is to hook in a #4, for example, then hook around the letters, and THEN unpick the letters and rehook them in the next size cut - ie #5 in this case.  That makes the letters really pop out.

Once the lettering is in place, consider what you want for a background or border - the examples in the article all had backgrounds that coordinated with the lettering.  The items were then finished into hangings or pillows (or even a rug, right?)

From Rug Hooking Magazine, Mar/Apr/May 2020
We’d like to challenge you to hook your own speech bubble - using a favourite saying, or perhaps one of these:

- it was a dark and stormy night....
- sometimes you have to tell yourself: it’s just not worth the jail time
- I look over at you and see sunshine
- whatever
- Irony: the opposite of wrinkly
- in my defense, i was left unsupervised
- be a voice, not an echo
- normal is boring
- try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud

Send us photos of your completed project and we’ll post them in a future blog post.

Rug Hooking Magazine is also looking for photos of your completed speech bubbles, by Sept 1, 2020..