The day of our inaugural photo-bee-for-the-annual arrived bright, but windy and cold! We had lots of folks come out! Here is a wee snippet of some of the photos we collected:
Gwen set everything up on the east side of the church where there was the least amount of wind. She arrived loaded with tarps and bricks and ladders and other paraphernalia to assist us to take photos of our members’ rugs. We’re very fortunate to have someone in our midst with these photography skills, and who is willing to share her time with us! A big thank you to Gwen!
Everyone brought their rugs to the east side, along with the notes we’ll need to do the file naming required by the OHCG. This file naming is an important component that will allow the OHCG Image Advisor to manage our files and to create the slide shows that we’re looking forward to enjoying on the 17th of April. A big thank you to everyone who brought rugs to be shown/judged at the Annual - your participation will make the day really special for us! |
Everyone showing their best sides! |
The waiting area |
Francine and Brenda brought coffee along, which was gratefully consumed by all of the folks who were cold! And there were cookies! A big thank you to everyone who brought food and drink to share!
Karen Kaiser was there with lots of wool and patterns, and seemed to be selling lots! This is from her email to us this morning: What a wonderful day!! Thank you so much for organizing this. I lowered my inventory significantly, had some great visits and thoroughly enjoyed myself.🤗🤗 A big thank you to Karen for allowing us to lower her inventory, and for driving in from Belleville!
It was hard to recognize everyone as we were so bundled up against the cold, and masked, etc.....
Hopefully our next tailgate event will take place during warmer weather!
If you’re into stats: we took almost 200 photos of 73 projects to be shown and/or judged! That’s a record for this group, I’m sure! Thankfully, no stats were kept on the number of cookies eaten...
....and now on to the file naming......