Thursday, 17 November 2022

Edward Jones Display


The display at Edward Jones is Live!  This is a business in downtown Cobourg that curates displays of works by local artists.  This project was spearheaded by Lynda Johnston and Dianne Algera.  They met with the folks at Edward Jones to arrange for the display, collect the pieces and deliver them to the business.

The rugs were delivered this morning, and they’re already up!  There may be a few tweaks to the windows, but here’s a taste of what’s there now.  Note also the sign in the window explaining a bit about rug hooking and directing them to this blog (hello  👋 to anyone joining us from the link on that sign!).

If you can, make a point of stopping by the window to see all of the wonderful works.  There are new pieces, antique pieces, whimsical pieces and traditional ones.   They’ll be in the window until the end of December.

Friday, 7 October 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!

Many of you already have paid up your 2023 membership dues for the Northumberland Rug Hookers.  If you haven’t, check out our latest email for details on how to send in your dues.  We haven’t really done much about collecting dues during the pandemic, but now that we’re back to in-person, dues are important!  Note that future emails will only be sent to paid up members.

Here are some photos from this past weekend:  Dianne, Laurie, Cathy, Audrey and Judy were at Lang Pioneer Village, demonstrating rug hooking.  Don’t they look cute in costume???

Friday, 30 September 2022

Living Wall Workshop

We hosted a fantastic workshop yesterday (yes, an in-person one!), on creating a Living Wall.  This is a project that mimics the wonderful living walls of plants you often see in public spaces (and some lucky homes)….but without the hassle of watering and caring for the plants (my kinda thing).

The teacher for the class is the wonderful and talented Wendie Scott Davis who trekked to Grace Church with samples and bags of goodies (wool and chocolate) to share.  She inspired us with photos and videos and more.

She’s a very hands on teacher and we all learned a lot, and developed a new-found appreciation for things like Proddy and quillies.

Here are the samples that Wendie brought.  They are even more wonderful when seen in person.

The attendees represented the spectrum of rug hookers - from new-ish hookers, to several very experienced ones - there were 15 of us.  Everyone arrived with bags and boxes full of stash….and we barely put a dent in it!

Here are some samples of works in progress. (Dang: i didn’t get photos of everyone’s work!)  Can’t wait to see the finished items!

A BIG thank you to Dianne, Christine and Iris for organizing this affair!

Saturday, 17 September 2022

Port Hope Fall Fair

This weekend is the Fall Fair in Port Hope - lots to see and do there.  Try to get there tomorrow if you can!

Rug Hooking was prominently featured, in both the displayed and judged projects.  Competition for prizes was stiff, but there were several winners!  We’ll post photos of some of the winning projects after our monthly meeting on Sept 26.  In the meantime, big congratulations to the winners:

(23) Fine Cut:  

1st prize: Carol Rolph

2nd prize: Jennifer Wiber

3rd prize: Debbie Harris

(24) Not a Rug:  

1st prize: Carol Rolph

2nd prize: Debbie Harris

3rd prize: Lynda Johnston

(25) Original Design:  

1st prize: Debbie Harris:  Also won Best in Show!

2nd prize: Lynda Johnston

3rd prize: Julia McParland

(26) Recycled:  

1st prize: Jennifer Wiber

(Msg from jennifer: see how easy it is to win when you’re the ONLY entry in a category 😂😂!!)

(27) Rural Roots:  

1st prize: Debbie Harris

2nd prize: Carol Rolph

3rd prize: Cathy Hazel

(28) Wide Cut:  

1st prize: Carol Rolph

2nd prize: Dianne Algera

You should consider entering something for next year!  It’s easy to do (online, even!), and there are CA$H prizes - first prize will get you the grand sum of $8 (2nd prize is $5 and 3rd prize is $3).

In the meantime, here are photos of the other rugs that were on display.  Cathy Hazel and Judy Cross (wo-)manned our display in the morning, and Judy stayed on with me (jennifer) in the afternoon.  Tomorrow there will be a whole other crew.  It’s a great chance to meet old friends, and make some new ones….and get a wee tad of hooking done while you’re at it.

Wednesday, 29 June 2022



What a perfect day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   The sun was shining and we had a wonderful breeze to keep us cool during the hot week.

We enjoyed, as usual, our tour of Joyce's house with her expansive collections of rugs and she walked around and told stories of how they became.

Treats were brought and delightfully gobbled up with hardly a crumb left for the dog or cat.

We all had such a great time and a BIG THANK YOU TO JOYCE!!!!

Friday, 17 June 2022

Vacation Pics!

Soay breed sheep on St Kilda - they don’t shear these sheep.  They shed their fleece naturally and in a clearly haphazard manner!

We’re slowly starting to get back to “normal” - we held our first monthly meeting in May, and regularly meet on Thursdays……and….even our Night Hookers group has started to meet on Tuesdays!  

We’re coming into the summer season, so we’ll revert to only Thursday and every 2nd Tuesday meetings for June & July.  Our next monthly (Monday) meeting will be September 26.

In the meantime, since the summer is upon us, and many folks are starting to travel again, I’m suggesting that we want to post photos of fibre-y things we’ve encountered during our holidays this summer.  There will be a facebook post linking to this blog post where you can publish your photos directly - or send them to me (nrhookers) and we’ll include them in a future blog post.

Since I’ve just finished a trip & found a few things of interest to rug hookers, here are my photos:

This was a hooked picture i came across on Magdalen Island - it’s fairly modern (i’m guessing 1990’s) and was done to commemorate the lives of the early settlers on the island.  It’s approx 16x12 and was done in a straight line/every hole hooked fashion (Grenfell-ish style), and was done with yarn.

This was the label accompanying the photo, pour ceux qui parlent français!

Another similar, but much larger project in Woody Point (Gros Morne) Newfoundland can be found in the park Discovery Centre.  Here’s the label to go with it:

And here’s the project - very large, maybe 5x8’.  Again, using very fine materials and a straight line style.

Here’s me in front of it, to give you an idea of scale (and yes - it was May and there was still snow on the ground.  The hat and coat were needed!)

And for something completely different, and NOT rug hooking-related, here’s an example of the traditional/ceremonial dress in southern Greenland.

The upper yoke is all bead work.  The thigh trim on the boots is embroidered and crocheted.

Now it’s your turn! Please share your photos with us!