On what is a cold snowy day in Ontario, here are some photos to brighten your day: from Christine in Florida! These are projects by members of her hooking group there.
Thursday, 27 January 2022
Wednesday, 19 January 2022
Two Tributes
2021 saw the passing of two of our members. Here is a brief tribute to both of them:
Pat Turl, a former member of Northumberland’s Monday monthly hooking group passed away on November 5, 2021.
Pat began rughooking when she lived in Markham in the early 1980’s & won an award of Honourable Mention for a first time hooker in 1983.
She continued to rughook after they moved to Brighton in 1998 & was a member of Quinte Isle, the Brighton kitchen group & the Cobourg Monthly Monday group for several years. Ill health for several years reduced her time hooking over the years, but she continued to be a part of the Brighton kitchen group until the Pandemic hit.
Her kindness to all & her beautiful & spontaneous laugh & smile will long be remembered by all of us.
Here is her first piece which won an award & her favourite made from sheep’s wool she purchased while on a trip to New Zealand. She will be missed.
(See below for MORE)
(Contributed by Nancy Crapper)
Pat began rug hooking after moving out of Toronto to retire to the rural Cobourg area where she and her husband operated a standard-bred horse business for many years. She thoroughly enjoyed rug hooking, appreciated the fine work by others, and especially loved her rug hooking friends. Pat’s ready smile and sunny outlook (always) will be sorely missed.
New member Lynda Johnston brought in an interesting mat. It features a simple yet effective image of a Quebec-style cabin & winter scen...
Eleven of us (plus Wendie) just spent the past 2.5 days immersed in a portrait class with Wendie Scott Davis. We are exhaustipated, but e...