We participated in a Textile Takeover, organized by the same folks behind the very successful “Gathering the County” event we participated in last June in Picton. We were one of many groups/individuals all demonstrating some kind of textile art. Here’s some of the promotional text for the event:
Get ready for a total textile takeover! The historic Macaulay House (circa 1830) is being transformed into a vibrant hub of creativity as local textile artists and makers bring their craft to life.
Explore two floors bursting with color, texture, and imagination, where every room is filled with contemporary artists putting their own spin on traditional textile arts. See how these talented creators turn age-old techniques into something fresh, modern, and totally inspiring.
Chat with the artists, catch live demos, browse the wares for sale and dive into the rich, lively world of textile arts right here in Prince Edward County. It’s hands-on, interactive, and a whole lot of fun—don’t miss it!
The Takeover was held in MacCauley House, a lovely historic museum in the town of Picton, last weekend. The hope was that it would happen on Saturday and Sunday….but the weather (wasn’t that something??) forced the cancellation of the Sunday.
A HUGE thank you goes to Lynn and Judy who trekked to Picton, set everything up and manned our display. ❤👏👏❤ It was in a lovely room called the Guest Bedroom.
Here are some photos supplied by Lynn, along with a video of the actual room they were in!