Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Canada 150 Photos

Last week, when we hosted the Grade 3 & 4 students at the art gallery, a photographer from the Town of Cobourg was on hand to photograph the rugs & some of the artists.  This is part of a Canada 150 project for the town.  He took some great photos and they're posted below!

On that note, I've tried out yet another experiment with the photos of the students (no faces!) from that day.  I'm making them available to you in a photo gallery.  To get to them, you can click HERE or, look over on the right hand side where you'll see a link to the same gallery (just above the photo of the hands rug.    Let me know what you think about this different way of viewing photos!

Bette Foster

Judy Cross

Joyce Jones

Donna Wheeldon

Greg Gall
This is a collage of some of photos you'll see in the link above, or to the right.

Thursday, 20 April 2017


I have been away all winter so for me coming home meant seeing old friends, getting a feel what transpired in my absence and "taking it all in"! We have been a busy group getting ready for the OHCG Annual Conference  which is being held in beautiful Cobourg and for me, seeing our Exhibit at the Art Gallery at Victoria Hall in Cobourg.

The photos are great in our blog but nothing comes close to seeing these beautiful works of art in person.  I was so moved by the Bereft Rug and so many others that I had seen before but what a great collection and statement they make altogether.

So I chose the photo above which symbolizes all of us, so similar , so different, so beautiful, just like the exhibit!

Please make sure to take a trip to Victoria Hall to view this magnificient exhibit in person and "get inspired".

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Campbellford Photos & New Technology

At long last, photos from the Then and Now exhibit at the Campbellford Library have been posted.  You can get to them by clicking on the AGofN link above, and scrolling waaaaay down to the bottom of the page. a fit of "new" technology, i also tried out putting the photos into a video, and it worked!  It's not something i would do regularly, but it definitely presents an interesting perspective.  For me, it isn't as good as taking a good long look at each individual rug, but it's certainly a great way to see them all in 1 minute & 25 seconds! (turn your sound on, too - there's a sound track!)

Check it out:

....and if you get the chance, go to Campbellford to see the rugs in person - they're wonderful!

Friday, 14 April 2017

In the Media & In the Gallery

Believe it or not, it's hard to keep up with all that's going on the rug hooking world this month! Below you can read about the latest & greatest....and don't forget:
Next week's Thursday (April 20) get together will be at the gallery.  That's where we'll play host to 47 (!) grade 3 & 4 students.  The focus that day will be on Pioneer Days, but the hope is that the students will get to do some rug hooking, too.
The following Monday (April 24) is our regular monthly meeting and that's where you'll want to bring your rugs destined for the Annual.  We'll test out a mockup of the display.  
EVEN more in the news!

There were two articles in this week's Northumberland Today.  One article was on the Vimy tribute rug on display at the Art Gallery of Northumberland.  Click here to read about it.

The other article was on the Campellford Library display of rugs, part of the Then and Now exhibit.  I haven't been able to find an online version of the article, but here's a photo of it.  If you click on it you should be able to read it!

Port Hope High School Student Visit

On Tuesday of this week, 24 students from Port Hope came to the gallery to see the exhibit and learn how to hook rugs.  Many from our group were on hand to assist them.  (Thanks to Judy Cross for these photos!)

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Last Week

As we said in the last post, April is a busy month.  Here are some photos from the past week's activity:
from Inside Belleville
More in the news (this is actually from the week before, but we only just found it last week!).  There was a great article in Inside Belleville featuring the Campbellford Library display of rugs, part of the Then and Now exhibition taking place throughout Northumberland County.  Click here to read the article (and don't miss the sidebar interview with Dianne Algera on the right!).

photo courtesy of Judy Cross
Public Lecture - Wednesday April 5 - there was great attendance at this event.  Several of our folks showed up to demonstrate.

Rosemary & an admirer! (Photo courtesy of Judy Cross)
Betty & John (photo courtesy of Judy Cross)
Thursday regular get together - Everyone was very busy at work on their projects.  Click here to see more photos.

The beginnings of another one of Greg's works!
The Gathering - This was another successful event, put on by the local knitting, stitchery and spinning guilds.  It was a great opportunity to hang out with friends, work on projects, and spend $$$.  Our own group was very well represented, and there was a surprising amount of rug hooking going on, in between all the knitting, spinning and crocheting!

This was a large rug being worked on - done in #10 cut!

Hands ready to hook!

Sheila's latest project!

Thursday, 6 April 2017

April is a Busy Month!

We continue to have many opportunities to promote rug hooking throughout the month of April.  Here's a list of things we can all participate in.  We'll send out reminders as the month unfolds!

The same info below appears in the Upcoming Events tab at the top of the page.

Tuesday April 11, noon to 2 pm, Art Gallery of Northumberland


20 high school students from Port Hope will visit the gallery for a tour and a chance to learn how to do rug hooking.  Dianne is amassing supplies, but we need folks there to demonstrate/teach the students.  The goal is that they end up with a small completed item to take home.


Thursday April 20, 10 am to noon, Art Gallery of Northumberland


45 students from CR Gummow PS (grades 3-4) will visit the gallery for a tour, with a focus on pioneer rug hooking.  They also are hoping to try out rug hooking and take home a completed item.  Dianne suggests that, instead of heading to Halcyon Place for our usual Thursday gathering, we go to the Art Gallery instead.

- we had originally earmarked this day to bring in rugs destined for display at the Annual, but we postpone that until the following Monday.


Friday April 21, 1:30 pm, Art Gallery of Northumberland


Sheila Simpson has arranged for the University Women's Group to visit the gallery for a tour.  Joyce and Dianne will be on hand to provide commentary.


Monday April 24, 10 am, Grace Church

This is our normal Monday meeting.  Please bring any items that you want to display at the Annual, and we'll work on doing a mock up of the eventual display at the Annual.  There is lots of room for us to come up with the most pleasing layout.


Friday April 28, 9 am - 4 pm, Cobourg Community Centre

Sunday April 30, 4 pm - 6 pm, Cobourg Community Centre

This is the weekend of the Annual (yes!), and we will need all hands on deck to set up the displays on Friday and to take them down again on Sunday afternoon.  On Friday we will need bodies to help out our own branch to set up, as well as to assist out of town branches to do the same thing.  Vendors may also need help carting their wares into the CCC.  On Sunday we get to do it all again in reverse - dismantling the whole shebang.

For this opportunity, we need as many folks as possible to help out.  You don't need to be registered for the Annual, or even a rug hooker - spouses are welcome to join in.


Saturday April 29, 1 - 3 pm, Art Gallery of Northumberland

This is a reception for OHCG delegates to the Annual, and we are the official hosts!  Joan Tooke is organizing refreshments (but anyone interested in baking a loaf/muffins can bring it along).  We'll need to have some folks on hand for this one.